The mock ups Promo Boards (see previous posts) had spelling mistakes in the Johnny pointed out for me. Luckily I got them fixed in time.
New Proposal:
From the feedback we got for our presentation, we realised that we had completely missed the point about communication is a virus. Our new proposal is still to promote DS books, but through actually files you can download from the internet that can be swaped around with friends.
There was also a point reaised about narrowing down who out target audiened is, not just nintendo users themsevels.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Virus Brief
Task: Getting People To Read More
The Brief:
To promote reading in conjunction with World Book Day via means of the Nintendo DS. It focuses on commuters who like to read on their journeys and how they can benefit from owning these products.
There is a pre-existing book feature for the console, is there space for more? Or will the book feature itself be enough to promote itself?
The age old foundations of our linguistic development lie in books and what has been recorded in them. How can this be put into an engaging 21st century context?
Tone of Voice
Friendly, inviting and nothing to controversial, as the audience is broad and you need to captivate the existing market that Nintendo have.
Posters, flyer's in the public domain that is relevant to the brief. Mock promotional skins that would persuade the consumer to buy the book feature.
Limited to 3 colours, however one of these colours must be stock. (red, black and white.)
What do the commuters see everyday and where will they go? You need to make sure that they are captivated or inspired by what they see and what they are going to buy is worthwhile.
You should consider how World Book Day promote themselves and see how you can tie it in with pre-existing promotional methods. Do it need improving? Are there other ways that this can be achieved?
The message need to include both type and image, as they are fundamental in selling what you will be saying.
Do you need they product on view? Or will use of differnt imagery benefit?
Mandatory Requirements
Keep it legal, you don' want to get arrested and not see your ideas bloom.
The Brief:
To promote reading in conjunction with World Book Day via means of the Nintendo DS. It focuses on commuters who like to read on their journeys and how they can benefit from owning these products.
There is a pre-existing book feature for the console, is there space for more? Or will the book feature itself be enough to promote itself?
The age old foundations of our linguistic development lie in books and what has been recorded in them. How can this be put into an engaging 21st century context?
Tone of Voice
Friendly, inviting and nothing to controversial, as the audience is broad and you need to captivate the existing market that Nintendo have.
Posters, flyer's in the public domain that is relevant to the brief. Mock promotional skins that would persuade the consumer to buy the book feature.
Limited to 3 colours, however one of these colours must be stock. (red, black and white.)
What do the commuters see everyday and where will they go? You need to make sure that they are captivated or inspired by what they see and what they are going to buy is worthwhile.
You should consider how World Book Day promote themselves and see how you can tie it in with pre-existing promotional methods. Do it need improving? Are there other ways that this can be achieved?
The message need to include both type and image, as they are fundamental in selling what you will be saying.
Do you need they product on view? Or will use of differnt imagery benefit?
Mandatory Requirements
Keep it legal, you don' want to get arrested and not see your ideas bloom.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Nintendo I presume...
Proposal boards for Nintendo DS book promotion.
Made poorly by yours truly, sorry Tom.
Made poorly by yours truly, sorry Tom.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
A Sub-Microscopic Infectious Agent
That would be virus to you and me.
"Communication is a virus, how does it spread?"
New brief and this time it's a collaboration.
My parter in crime is Tom
He needed someone with "savy" software skills and I needed someone whose hand writing didn't look like spiders dancing in ink.
Despite what certain people have said, I think we'll make a good team.
Task: To get people to read more.
Perfect, both Tom and I really enjoy reading.
Leigh (me) : I enjoy reading more so that watching TV. In my opinion, more people should do it!
Leigh: illustration, layouts, knowledge of software (savy)
Leigh: Good Imagination, concepts, idea generation, humour
Leigh: software, concepts, layout, type, illustration
"Communication is a virus, how does it spread?"
New brief and this time it's a collaboration.
My parter in crime is Tom
He needed someone with "savy" software skills and I needed someone whose hand writing didn't look like spiders dancing in ink.
Despite what certain people have said, I think we'll make a good team.
Task: To get people to read more.
Perfect, both Tom and I really enjoy reading.
Why have you chosen this task?
Tom: Because i like reading and i think epople lose allot from not doing so.Leigh (me) : I enjoy reading more so that watching TV. In my opinion, more people should do it!
What are my specific areas of creative interest in this task?
Tom: Book cover design, hot to make books cool-ads, type, ceontent.
Leigh: Decent book design (badly designed irritates me, Anita Blake prime example.) Actual content, writing, fandoms.
Leigh: Decent book design (badly designed irritates me, Anita Blake prime example.) Actual content, writing, fandoms.
What specific design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen task?
Tom: Crafting, concept spooling, ideas, researcherLeigh: illustration, layouts, knowledge of software (savy)
What specific non-design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen task?
Tom: Concepts and Idea generation, good with rhymes & writing, researchLeigh: Good Imagination, concepts, idea generation, humour
What will your specific roles be in the collaboration in the relation to your brief?
Tom: researcher, concept and idea generator, craftingLeigh: software, concepts, layout, type, illustration
What will your individual responsibilities be in relation to your brief?
Tom: researcher, concept artist
Leigh: Concept artist, layouts.
What will you joint responsibility's be?
Discussing concepts and where we are going with it. Evaluation and statement of itent, visual, development, crits and blogs.
Signed and dotted in blood.
Tom: researcher, concept artist
Leigh: Concept artist, layouts.
What will you joint responsibility's be?
Discussing concepts and where we are going with it. Evaluation and statement of itent, visual, development, crits and blogs.
Signed and dotted in blood.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Nearly there...
I had no binding tape so I used masking tape, magic tape and...*cough* toilet paper. It worked just as well so...
My sewing on this thing is appalling but it held it together so that's all that matters for the mock up version.
The first cover I made was streaky from ink running out and then bubbly from the glue so that was binned. The second one was the wrong measurements so that's now part of my experimentation work...But the 3rd one, after tips from my class mates...worked perfectly.
I have some typo's to fix on the main content of the book and then it should be complete.
My sewing on this thing is appalling but it held it together so that's all that matters for the mock up version.
The first cover I made was streaky from ink running out and then bubbly from the glue so that was binned. The second one was the wrong measurements so that's now part of my experimentation work...But the 3rd one, after tips from my class mates...worked perfectly.
I have some typo's to fix on the main content of the book and then it should be complete.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Not Quite
It's not quite finished yet but here's the content of what is actually in the little A7 perfect bound book. (Which currently looks like a disaster waiting to happen =D)
And here's the cover that I'm to put on the front of it. It's currently just the contents of the book. I tried to bind it all together this morning and it did not go the way I planned. So i'll have to try and re bind it in class with a print out that is not streaky.
It should work...
And here's the cover that I'm to put on the front of it. It's currently just the contents of the book. I tried to bind it all together this morning and it did not go the way I planned. So i'll have to try and re bind it in class with a print out that is not streaky.
It should work...
Monday, 9 March 2009
Crazy Little Mock Ups
Using the list of Office Pranks I came up with some mock up's for "The little book of OFFICE REVENGE!"
Playing around with differnt fonts and colours and working on A7 format, which I really want to use for this little book of revenge. I want it to be simple, it doesn't have to be this over complicated thing.
Playing around with differnt fonts and colours and working on A7 format, which I really want to use for this little book of revenge. I want it to be simple, it doesn't have to be this over complicated thing.
Such Little Books
So I was a little stumped at first on how to approach this new brief. I looked at several differnt things like sprucing up a Employee's handbook to motivational posters. Neither one of them really got my interest so I moved onto looking at just how people try to resolve conflicts.
Americans are good at confronting people, but we the British (well most of us) are not too good at it. Who wants to approach the guy they really don't like and then try to tell them how much they annoy you. Would you want to work with that over your conscious?
So I began looking into Practical Jokes that can be pulled around the office. Simple ones like whistling everything you pass your target to outrageous ones like sanding down their desk each night for the next several months.
At first I looked at putting these jokes on the back of some very professional looking business cards. Overall, people liked the idea but it was pointed out that if they're business cards, then why would you have jokes on the back. I admit I hadn't thought about this but then little books where mentioned and I started to look into them.
I have a simple idea but I think it might work...
Americans are good at confronting people, but we the British (well most of us) are not too good at it. Who wants to approach the guy they really don't like and then try to tell them how much they annoy you. Would you want to work with that over your conscious?
So I began looking into Practical Jokes that can be pulled around the office. Simple ones like whistling everything you pass your target to outrageous ones like sanding down their desk each night for the next several months.
At first I looked at putting these jokes on the back of some very professional looking business cards. Overall, people liked the idea but it was pointed out that if they're business cards, then why would you have jokes on the back. I admit I hadn't thought about this but then little books where mentioned and I started to look into them.
I have a simple idea but I think it might work...
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Problem Analysis
How to... Resolve Conflicts At Work
Who needs to know?
People who are dealing with conflicts or bullies in the work environment. (Workers annoyed by other colleagues)
What do they need to know?
They need to learn to approach the conflict in a suitable manner, as not to worsen the situation.
Why do they need to know? (What are you aiming to achieve by informing them)
So their time at work is a lot more enjoyable. Or atleast a little more tolerable.What will they respond to? (What do they watch, buy, see, complain about etc.)
Motivation Posters, Information leaflets. Amusing slogans?
Where do they go? (What forms of communication do they come into contact with)
Internet - Blogs
Work Place
Job center
Job center
Random Brief Is Random...
New Brief on Monday and this time it's a two week one. Oh what a random brief it is. We all had to pick a number between 1 and 1000 and I picked 42 without realising what was going to happen next. Then Fred, with his trade mark grin brought out the book "How to do (just about) everthing)...and each one of our numbers defines the topic.
42: How To... Resolve Conflicts in The work Place.
That'll be easy...Don't turn up. =D
42: How To... Resolve Conflicts in The work Place.
That'll be easy...Don't turn up. =D
The Final Image
My comment: Children are often thought of as Pure... Children are growing up far too fast, defined by the mistakes and beliefs their Parents put on them. They are almost warped into these little machines that need to be updated and programmed on a regular basis. Unfortunately, machines can break.
I had ten minute to upload it and had written nothing, so word vomit happened.
Overall I am not pleased. I like the shorter briefs, but....I think it could have been better. Going to re work it for submission. I really appreciated the the helpful comments about working with differnt paper to print the design on. I'm also going to look into defining it more as an image.
I had ten minute to upload it and had written nothing, so word vomit happened.
Overall I am not pleased. I like the shorter briefs, but....I think it could have been better. Going to re work it for submission. I really appreciated the the helpful comments about working with differnt paper to print the design on. I'm also going to look into defining it more as an image.
Monday, 2 March 2009
Progression Of Pure
So far I have really enjoyed this brief. I haven't been able to just sit and draw for a long time and last Wednesday was a really good day for this. When I get hold of a scanner that knows it's a scanner (not a a huge plastic box that talks) then I'll post some full work sheets.
I really enjoy character design and pin pointing exactly what someone is going to look like. So when I first started with rough ideas for this piece, I had already moved towards narrative and story telling. (I suppose that's just one of the ways I work.)
For now though, some photographs of the concept work and layouts. At this point I had two main ideas, not just one but they both reflected back into one and other (see statment.)

I really enjoy character design and pin pointing exactly what someone is going to look like. So when I first started with rough ideas for this piece, I had already moved towards narrative and story telling. (I suppose that's just one of the ways I work.)
For now though, some photographs of the concept work and layouts. At this point I had two main ideas, not just one but they both reflected back into one and other (see statment.)
I liked the boys better but I went with female in the end. My concept went over a little better with pure children...and bloodied hands. Hmm. At that point I really had no idea where I was going. So much so that in the crit i stuttered and went: words words Blughgg. I think I need to work on presenting a little more.
Concept Statment
Will be filled in when I retrieve from the drawer I left it in...whoops.
Rationale - The underlying principles or beliefs that shape and defines an individuals view on design practice and how it relates to the world.
Rationale - The underlying principles or beliefs that shape and defines an individuals view on design practice and how it relates to the world.
What is your message?
What do you mean by this?
Who is your audience?
What will they respond to?
What is your content?
Don't Panic!
"Always remember where your towel is!"
For the first Brief back we where given a choice between two competition briefs, with our work to be submitted on March the 2nd. (A week from receiving the brief.) It was between either the Cog Recognition day one (A6 format) or the Don't Panic Website one. (An A2 poster with the theme of Pure.)
As a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fanatic, no choices of which one I decided to work on. (Though it has nothing to do with HHG...sadly.)
It'll be interesting to see our work out there in the public...
For the first Brief back we where given a choice between two competition briefs, with our work to be submitted on March the 2nd. (A week from receiving the brief.) It was between either the Cog Recognition day one (A6 format) or the Don't Panic Website one. (An A2 poster with the theme of Pure.)
As a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fanatic, no choices of which one I decided to work on. (Though it has nothing to do with HHG...sadly.)
It'll be interesting to see our work out there in the public...
Sunday, 1 March 2009
OUGD103...Not Just A Bunch Of Numbers
Last Monday was the first day back after reading week and we where presented with a new module; Design Practice.
I'm feeling rather enthusiastic about this module and the first brief was certainly a bigger challenge than it first appeared to be.
"[Graphic Design is] an ongoing
between the dynamics of
personal exploration and
professional practice"
- Matt Owens, Volumeone
What an interesting quote.
I'm feeling rather enthusiastic about this module and the first brief was certainly a bigger challenge than it first appeared to be.
"[Graphic Design is] an ongoing
between the dynamics of
personal exploration and
professional practice"
- Matt Owens, Volumeone
What an interesting quote.
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